Friday, September 21, 2018

Establishing an American Citizen’s Dividend - UBI

A Universal Basic Income is NOT Free Money. It is the birthright of American Citizenship and Sacrifice and quite possibly a pathway to a new empowered and entrepreneurial age.

The good folks I live with in the shadow of Rattlesnake Ridge have always been a very hardy lot and it takes quite a bit to shake their cool. For example, long before the Gig economy was “A Thing” as folks say these days, these folks were adding a gig here and a gig there to keep their heads above water. They don’t complain about it, they just do it.

But in recent years something has happened, even here. The world is shifting beneath our feet. Dramatic changes are sweeping through our economy. Each year the changes accelerate. Americans are working longer and harder and yet they continue to fall further behind. For 45 years, since 1973, real wages and the wealth of our citizens have been declining. The growing, savage disparity of wealth in our country challenges our faith in the capitalist system and our Democratic ideals. Today, more than any time during my life, we are faced with the question of whether the American system of government will survive. Whether we will continue to be the beacon of hope we once were and the leaders of the free world. . . whether we will be the masters of change or its victims.

This column addresses what some call UBI or Universal Basic Income. In a nutshell UBI is a proposal to provide every American citizen who attains an agreed upon age (18 or 21 under most suggested versions) with a monthly income. For the sake of this piece let’s assume it is $1,000 per month. Every month, every qualifying American citizen would receive a check, or a wire deposit for $1,000 no matter where they fall on the income ladder. Rich, poor, working class, middle class, even the 1% would receive a payment.

No bureaucrat would supervise how it is used and no one could take it away from you. No welfare worker could claw it back because you earned too much at your job, although those at the highest income levels would probably pay most of it back in taxes and certainly wouldn’t really notice it.

It is a Dividend paid for simply being an American. For being the inheritors of 500 years of sacrifice, voluntary and involuntary, by those who came before us and the sweat of our own brows and the taxes we have paid.

Webster's Confidence
It is reparations for 200 plus years of slavery if you are an African American; reparations for the theft of your land if you are Native American; for the theft of your wealth and freedom if you are a Japanese American whose family was incarcerated in internment camps during World War II; for years of low-paying wages that subsidized the American economy if your family arrived as immigrants and for years of paying taxes that built roads, bridges, airports and schools that educated our workforce and carried the products of businesses to markets.

It is the public benefit of providing a court system, purchased with our taxes, where justice can be found and for Intellectual property laws that protect the millions of patents that have rocketed so many Americans into prosperity.

It is the equity value of research done by the Department of Defense, NASA, DARPA, NIH and an alphabet soup of taxpayer funded agencies that have created everything from the Internet to GPS and Touch Screen Technology all being used today to the benefit of Apple, Google, Uber and thousands of companies in our high-tech society.

Having read these last few paragraphs you can understand why the term Universal Basic Income somehow falls short of describing the concept, and the notion that it is “free money” is, on its face, absurd. It is a recognition that we have failed for more than 200 years to recognize the role played by every one of our citizens collectively in the accumulation of wealth that has made America the most prosperous nation on the face of the earth. It is why I have chosen to call this an American Citizens Dividend.

If capitalism is to survive – and it must – because it is the only operating system that has been shown to work, we must create a capitalism that recognizes that the generation of wealth in a healthy economy comes from inputs from everyone and the benefits of that wealth creation should be shared by all of those who have contributed. In other words, as I have said before, we are all victims, we are all due reparations, we are all in this together.

Today, the American political and economic systems are in twin, enfolding crises.

More than 90% of job growth during the past two years has been contract work, without any safety net or benefits, including unemployment insurance if layoffs occur; 47% of millennials, who make up the largest portion of the workforce, according to surveys, are engaged in some level of freelance work, most in order to make ends meet.

Many researchers project that half of the working U.S. population will move into the gig economy within the next five years, without the safety net of benefits or unemployment or disability insurance.

A majority of low-wage employers are now requiring employees to sign non-compete agreements as a condition of employment. A worker at MacDonalds, who finds himself/herself with the opportunity to move to Burger King for two dollars an hour more must now calculate into their decision-making the very real possibility that her employer will sue to prevent her from taking the job.

The decline in real wages since 1973 has crippled the spending power of consumers. In a consumer driven society, we are witnessing the early signs of the potential extinction of the consumer. After all, the 1% can only buy so many pairs of socks, or pants, or skirts.

We have moved to Workforce 2.0 in the global economy, but our governance is still stuck in Democracy 1.0 and capitalism 1.0 and that is a real and growing problem. What will happen if we are unprepared for the day when 50% of today’s jobs are performed by robots and computer programs? What will happen to both the Amazon’s and the small businesses dependent upon consumers when all of their income goes to meeting basic needs and there is nothing left for purchasing items that are “luxuries” like socks and shoes?

In the coming months, more and more people will be talking about enacting a Universal Basic Income for every American to help them meet their basic needs. The Basic Income is not a new idea. It has been around since it was first suggested by Thomas Paine – yes that Thomas Paine. It was quite nearly passed into law during the tenure of Richard Nixon at his urging, supported by conservative economist Milton Friedman, liberal economist Robert Reich, libertarian Charles Murray and a list of distinguished thinkers from across the political spectrum. Of course, it has its detractors as well.

For the sake of a good old American discussion, take a deep breath and open your mind to the possibilities. This is only an introduction. Intended to present some of the many arguments for it. People of good will can come down on either side of this. I happen to believe that it may be the solution to America’s most long-standing problem, the wealth gap, as well as a few of the new ones like the Gig Economy and the coming of the robots. Let’s explore some of the more interesting ideas around it.

Wonalancet Mindscape           Cards & Posters                  Fine Art Prints

The Poverty Trap

Of course, the cost of enacting a Citizens Dividend would not be cheap, estimates put the cost at about 1.5-2 trillion dollars, but neither is the social safety net that we have constructed in America and the bureaucracy needed to support it.

Being poor is no picnic no matter where you live. However, the consequences may vary from region to region.

According to the latest data, more than 15% of Americans live in poverty. As many as 100 million more, fully one third of our people, live only one paycheck or one health emergency or car meltdown from it.

Over the years the United States has developed, piece by piece, an elaborate and costly social safety net intended to help people who live in this precarious position. Yet, despite this, the numbers continue to grow. Today the number of people living at or near the poverty line is almost as high as it was when our nation launched its War on Poverty during the Johnson Administration. In fact, according to one study by the US Census Bureau, the number of people in poverty in the US has only seen an improvement of about 1.5% despite spending 20 trillion dollars on anti-poverty programs since 1966. Every year we spend nearly a trillion dollars on anti-poverty programs, yet we still have one of the highest rates of poverty in the developed world.

Before you assume that I am going to declare that the War on Poverty was a failure let me assure you that it was not. Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, Special Education, The Higher Education Act, all of these programs moved millions of Americans out of poverty or, at worst, made poverty more bearable as a result of those programs but as the number of people in our country grew since the 1960s poverty rates remained relatively unchanged. The greatest beneficiaries of the War on Poverty were the elderly. The nexus of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid nearly eliminated poverty among the elderly in the early years of the Great Society, but the growing inequality of income threatens to reverse that today.

Today the social safety net has become a poverty trap and both the right and the left are equally responsible for that. Ironically, both have the best of intentions. But the best of intentions has led to further ensnaring lower income people in a poverty trap. The advocates of the right – they are usually the ones who have the word “Liberty” somewhere in their name – Ironically criticize the social safety net for discouraging work and marriage. I say ironically because they were the source of the restrictions that make it nearly impossible to work your way out of poverty and who punish families who try to stay together by denying them benefits. They do it with a punishing bureaucracy that makes moving up the income ladder harder and harder by clawing back benefits every time an impoverished person tries to better their lives.

The left does it by nannying the poor, treating them as if they were not capable of making their own decisions and taking responsibility for their decisions. The newest nutty idea for this is the “guaranteed job.” The idea that a new government bureaucracy should be established that guarantees a job for every American and creates one where it cannot be found. This is just further evidence for the culpability of both the left and the right in the creation of a poverty trap.

Every American who wants a job – and most do – should be able to get a job, a good job. A good job is a job that you can say no to because it does not provide either the level of pay or the benefits or the challenge that you believe should be associated with it. An American Dividend would allow people, even the poor, to say no to a job that takes advantage of them. We would be able to consolidate most of the programs that compose the social safety net into a bureaucrat free American Dividend. One simple check every month. We would also be able to eliminate the endless fight over the minimum wage. Employers would offer a good wage or they would fail to get workers who had the security of the American Dividend to fall back on while they looked elsewhere.

So Many Needs, So Little Money

Listen to every candidate and you will find some program or need that you can agree with but put them all together and we help some and provide programs for those who don’t want or need them, and in the end, we just don’t have the money to enact one entitlement after another.

Take Bernie’s idea to provide free tuition for public college. While I fervently believe that we can do much more to make public institutions of higher education strong, I am just as enthusiastic about strengthening private colleges. In fact, if you look at public colleges and universities in this country they are almost invariably investing more, building more, upgrading more and providing greater benefits to faculty and staff than most private colleges, especially the smaller ones, can possibly afford. They have the advantage of covering a large portion of their budget with taxpayer dollars, they have the ability to borrow at lower rates to build new buildings or to renew old ones, by virtue of the fact that they can float bonds through a capital budget process.

On the other hand, there are hundreds of small private colleges that are providing extraordinary educational value to students that would benefit greatly if students were able to make their choice of schools based on what would provide the greatest value to them, without having to face the uneven playing field where public colleges and universities could offer free tuition.

Creating new public policy is always a challenge and the unintended consequences are often the greatest danger. Free tuition to public colleges and universities would very likely be the death knell for hundreds of small colleges who are right now providing a more affordable alternative to tens of thousands of students. My son Zach attended a very fine little private college in Prescott, Arizona, for half what he would have paid in tuition at my alma mater UNH. I’m afraid his alma mater would be gone after the first year of a free public college tuition program.

An American Dividend or UBI gives every citizen the freedom to choose from a smorgasbord of options. If they need tuition to improve their skills or attend college, they can use it for just that purpose. If they need child care, it can be used for that. If they need to take some unpaid leave for any purpose they can rely on it for that purpose. This is why the Dividend is without strings and why it is paid to everyone. For those who don’t need it, they can use it to support local charity efforts that fill other important niches.

The Rising Too

A New Age of Empowerment and Entrepreneurship

Now I won’t tell you that abusive husbands (or wives) will stop abusing their spouses. But I will tell you that their spouses would not be entrapped in an abusive marriage without an option because the UBI/American Dividend would allow them to leave – here’s where I would like to use a term that my publisher won’t permit, let’s call it “Me Too” money because it sort of rhymes with “Me Too,” It’s the money that frees them from an abusive dependence.

The gig economy is here to stay, in 20 years very few of the jobs that exist will come with a social safety net. But the UBI/American Dividend can serve that function. Furthermore, as more and more jobs become automated we will need more and more entrepreneurial ideas for solving problems that also generate new jobs.

Many of the folks who advocate for this insist that it will usher in a new era of entrepreneurship, because the cushion provided to entrepreneurial minded people will give them the opportunity to take risks. They point to people like Steve Jobs and remind us that if he was working a minimum wage job 40 hours a week or more, he would never have been able to launch Apple but he had a UBI – a roof over his head and three squares a day provided by his parents. By that measure, of course, a lot of young people today already have a UBI, provided by their parents. But you get the picture.

There are a hundred more good reasons that we should adopt the idea of giving every American an American Dividend. Coupled with a Mandatory National Service Requirement it would go a long way to healing the ills in our country.

It’s also the recipe for beating the Democrats in 2020 – without Donald Trump of course – because it’s unlikely the Democrats will have the courage to offer it as a solution to the wage disparity. They are too tied to organized labor and the welfare state bureaucracy. Alas, it’s equally unlikely that any Republican will either. Maybe someone will surprise me . . . are you listening Beto? Jeff Flake? Governor Kasich? I’d suggest a fusion ticket with a Democrat and a Republican. Don’t let the partisans keep you from taking the risk.

About Wayne D. King: Wayne King is an author, artist, activist and recovering politician. A three term State Senator, 1994 Democratic nominee for Governor, former publisher of Heart of New Hampshire Magazine and CEO of MOP Environmental Solutions Inc., and now host of two new Podcasts - The Radical Centrist ( and NH Secrets, Legends and Lore ( His art is exhibited nationally in galleries and he has published three books of his images and a novel "Sacred Trust"  a vicarious, high voltage adventure to stop a private powerline all available on He lives in Rumney at the base of Rattlesnake Ridge. His website is: . You can help spread the word by following and supporting him at .  

Learning to Fish

Albert Camus Quote

"In the depth of winter 
I finally learned 
that there was in me 
an invincible summer."
~ Albert Camus

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Three King Mixed Media Poetry & Haiku images will be featured on Fictional Cafe

I'm pleased to announce that three of my Mixed Media Poetry & Haiku images will be featured on Fictional Cafe 

The Fictional CafĂ© is a virtual coffee shop and literary magazine created especially for writers and artists. 

The links below are to open edition prints. To purchase an original, click here:

The Prevaricating Day

The Gathering Storm Haiku

Wind in the Washline Haiku

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Short Takes from Rattlesnake Ridge - Oh Canada! Our Hearts are Heavy

Blue Moon Over Vancouver
Signed Original Edition of 5

Oh Canada! Our Hearts are Heavy

A fly on the wall here in the shadow of Rattlesnake Ridge would hear plenty of jokes and not a few “Ey?s” when the subject of Canada and the recent tariffs announced by the Trump administration comes up. But don’t listen for pejoratives. Don’t listen for hate or vituperation because you won’t hear it.

I expect that - up in Magog or Sherbrooke or even Quebec - similar jokes are being told. Laughing about stepping across the border if you want good healthcare.

There may even be some Canadian towns that are considering somehow attaching the American President’s name to their town in some way; Dildo, Newfoundland; or Swasitka, Ontario come immediately to mind, although Spread Eagle Cove and Witless Bay in Labrador would like to expand the competition. There would probably be a few places considering alliances that they could tie to the Commander in Chief of the US, notable among them Finger, Manitoba and Climax, Saskatchewan, and if its neighbor Urin could somehow form a sister city agreement with Truth or Consequences, New Mexico that might be an interesting experiment in transparency.

Our relationship with Canada is the strongest most enduring one we have. Donald Trump and his trade war rhetoric may change that and affect our relationship for a long time to come.

About Wayne D. King: Wayne King is an author, artist, activist and recovering politician. A three term State Senator, he was the 1994 Democratic nominee for Governor and most recently the CEO of MOP Environmental Solutions Inc., a public company in the environmental cleanup space. His art is exhibited nationally in galleries and he has published three books of his images. His most recent novel "Sacred Trust" a vicarious, high voltage adventure to stop a private powerline is available on He lives in Rumney at the base of Rattlesnake Ridge where he flies both the American and Iroquois flags proudly. His website is: soon! The Radical Centrist Podcast!

Canada Lily in a Purple Rain
Open Edition Print

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

How Donald Trump Wins Reelection in 2020

The Enduring Power of Dreams

Without a Healing Narrative We Risk Another Four Years of Chaos

Most of the folks living here in the shadow of Rattlesnake Ridge will recall the months before the election of 2016 as a time when almost no one believed that Donald Trump could win the Presidency. News commentators tripped all over themselves to hastily add to any observations they made about the Republican nominee that “he didn’t have a chance of winning” but . . .

The only person that I can name who called this election in advance was Mark Blyth, a political economist and professor at Brown University whose prescient speeches before the election warned voters that the complacency, or perhaps more accurately the indifference among voters; and - more important - the rage of those in the precariat class would create a seismic shift in politics, delivering the win to Donald Trump.

Blyth based his prognostications not only on the elections here in the US but an emerging trend toward nationalism and authoritarian tendencies worldwide, largely led by the example emanating from the US.

Now here we are nearly two years into the Presidency of Donald J. Trump and no one quite knows what to think about what lies ahead, as the saying goes “once burned, twice shy.”

Anyone who thinks that the conviction this week of Paul Manafort or the plea and allocution by Michael Cohen is a sign that we are in the endgame is deluding themselves.

Presidential elections are more than two years ahead but the midterm election is less than 100 days away. It is an election that is likely to set the stage for the 2020 Presidential elections and what transpires in both the halls of Congress and in the streets and communities of America will play pivotal roles in determining both the outcome of the elections and, more important, the country that emerges on the other end of the process.

The damage that has been done by Donald Trump to Democracy and the most fundamental tenets of the American idea and our ideals is profound but it is secondary to the damage that has been done by a broken political system of which he is both symptom and poster child.

Readers of this column will probably be tired of hearing me say Donald Trump is a symptom of our national problems, not the cause. The world is changing around us, shifting under our feet and Congress is clueless.

Truth has been the first victim of this broken system and beyond the immediate implications of each lie and its individual ramifications is the even more dangerous and deepening cynicism that infects the body politic as a whole. The tribalism and identity politics that threaten to deepen and prolong the divisions within our country, largely coming from the left, and the ease with which other bad actors like Russia have inserted themselves into the process, exacerbating the divisions among us and advancing their own agendas should give all of us pause.

The Resistance - Democrats and Independents - have every reason to be angry about what has transpired in our democracy over the past four years, beginning with the theft of a Supreme Court Justice appointment from President Obama, a justice that would have assured that we continued to have a mainstream Supreme Court reflecting the broader values of the American people rather than a court that veered wildly to the right;

They have every right to be incensed that Republican members of Congress have put the fortunes of their political party and their individual elections ahead of their obligations and duties to their country;

They have every right to be horrified by the continuing stream of transgressions against both the letter and spirit of our laws and our democratic norms by an administration that continues to violate nearly every norm of acceptable behavior in a democracy - even as our President cozies up to dictators and uses the trappings of his office to enhance his family’s fortunes.

All of these are legitimate grievances. All of them have the deepest of their roots in the savage disparity of wealth that has grown into an existential crisis for our nation even as unstoppable forces of technological change, globalization and the gig economy conspire to make the problem worse.

Ironically, this disparity of wealth is the single most important force empowering both the resistance to Donald Trump and his base support. After all, no grievances can compare with the grievances of a nation of people who have watched for fifty years as the wages and wealth of those contributing most to our economy continue to fall, tipping more and more middle class families into the precariat and further miring those already at the bottom.

So where do we go from here?

If we can begin by acknowledging the fact that these changes in our country drive the current narrative - from which both sides of the political chasm draw their energy - we can begin to see a way out of this quagmire from which we might emerge as a more united nation. It will not be easy, and Democrats and Independents who are justifiably angry and, perhaps, vengeful will need to swallow hard to assure that we do not let a course correction turn into a wild swing of the political pendulum that sinks the country deeper into a cycle of anger, division and retribution. Such a scenario would most likely result in Democrats taking control of the House and perhaps the Senate in 2018 only to have Donald Trump seize it back in 2020 because the Democrats failed to address the real problems of our nation in their lust to make Trump pay.

In the best interest of our country, cooler heads must prevail.

I’m not a pollyanna about this. Not everyone is going to be ready to reinvent the American dream. There will be those at the margins who will not be satisfied with anything but a pound of flesh.

Among those who have supported Donald Trump there will be some who are unwilling to move. Some who are truly outside of the mainstream.

On the side of the Resistance, a significant number of citizens as well as those running for office in 2018 believe that the response to the offenses of the Trump Administration should be for Democrats to double down and “fight like Republicans”. Ignoring the best interests of the country, ignoring the needs of citizens and using their power to gain political advantage over the Republicans.

So the question becomes: will those same Democrats who have roundly criticised Republicans for putting the needs of their country second to the needs of their party be strong enough to stand up to their own base - an understandably angry and sometimes vengeful base - and tell them “We will not play tit for tat with our Democracy” . . . Vowing instead to put the needs of the country before the needs of their party. I pray that they will.

If the Resistance emerges victorious in the 2018 elections and then use the transgressions of the Trump Administration to justify behaving in the same manner, they will only further damage our democracy and ultimately deliver the 2020 election to Donald Trump.

We must call upon our better angels, tamping down our own anger in the national interest and do our best to ignore the most extreme forces on both sides to create a healing narrative that speaks to the 70% of Americans who know that we are on the wrong track and who want to renew the American dream for everyone.

We’ve lived with Donald Trump for almost two years, though it often seems like twenty. We can live with him for two more if it will give us the chance as a nation to send him packing on the strength of an election that declares to the world “this is NOT who we are”.

Democrats and the resistance would be far better using the next two years to lay out a narrative and plans for fixing our Democracy and a rigged economy while shining a bright light on the Trump administration. The alternative - to spend our national energy on an Impeachment fight destined to go nowhere and from which, under the best of circumstances, we would emerge with President Pence and quite likely a pardoned Donald Trump, is untenable.

In the meantime, it’s time to pump some new life into the old notion of Federalism, Federalism 3.0 if you will. Constructing new ways of building national consensus from the grassroots up. If we rely on a Congress filled with people who are still waging the ideological battles of the past to set the agenda we are destined for more of the same special interest driven policies and our political divisions will only deepen.

The American people are looking for leadership that responds to the challenges of our time. Only this offers the hope for renewing the American story. For the last two years the Republican majority has done almost nothing to address these challenges. In fact, the single legislative accomplishment of this period - the Republican tax bill, has made the problems worse, not better.

To reinvigorate our democracy we must resist the temptation to engage in the same kind of politics and do everything we can to help bring the Republican party back to the political mainstream. Nothing less than the hopes and dreams of the world depend upon it.

About Wayne D. King: Wayne King is an author, artist, activist and recovering politician. A three term State Senator, he was the 1994 Democratic nominee for Governor and most recently the CEO of MOP Environmental Solutions Inc., a public company in the environmental cleanup space. His art is exhibited nationally in galleries and he has published three books of his images. His most recent novel "Sacred Trust" a vicarious, high voltage adventure to stop a private powerline is available on He lives in Rumney at the base of Rattlesnake Ridge where he flies both the American and Iroquois flags proudly. His website is:

Moonrise Over Newfound Lake 
Signed limited Edition

  Cards, Merch & Art Longdog Race Signed original .     Unsigned open-edition  We the People are the Rightful Masters For a signed origi...