Tuesday, June 29, 2021

We the People: Re-defining Bi-Partisan in the Post-Trump Era

Storm Over Lupine

We the People
Re-defining Bi-Partisan in the Post-Trump Era

My morning ramble in the valley between Rattlesnake Ridge and the Waterville Range today was a troubling cascade of thoughts and revelations.

In the first month, following the election of a new president, it felt as if we had turned a corner. Of course, we knew that there would be some post-Trump hangover but the almost immediate sense of a pending return to normalcy gave us a false sense of security.

Today it is all beginning to feel like the calm before the storm.

I, like many others, had hoped that Joe Biden’s election would empower the saner minds among elected Republican leaders to quickly return to some level of normal. The events leading up to and following January 6, 2021 quickly demonstrated that was not to be.

Remembering that the JFK library gave an annual “Profiles in Courage Award” I took a quick look at their website this morning and noted - with some satisfaction - that they had given it recently to Mitt Romney. I’m hoping that Liz Cheney will be added to that list soon. But the number of elected Republican leaders who have stepped forward to attempt to right our ship of state has been thoroughly discouraging and reflects not only the level of fear of Donald Trump among Republican elected officials but also a growing disconnect between the people of this country and their elected officials in both parties.

Now I’m no Pollyanna when it comes to politics. I’ve been there and endured the slings and arrows from both my own party and those of the other, especially when elected “leaders” see an opportunity to take advantage of a perceived weakness in the other party, this despite the fact that - at least until recently - 95% of the work that actually takes place legislatively at every level is generally without any hint of partisanship at all. However, until now even that final 5% usually represented genuine, honest disagreement, more commonly over means not ends. Republicans and Democrats saw one another as the “loyal opposition” not the enemy.


All this has not happened overnight of course and Donald Trump is more a symptom of a growing problem than a cause, though he has unquestionably driven it into hyperdrive. The roots really reach back to 1994 with the election featuring Newt Gingrich and his brainchild “The Contract with America”. The document itself was not the problem, though there was plenty in it that many found disagreeable. It was the philosophy and the spirit behind it that began this spiral. Gingrich urged his partisans to use language, not only in their campaign rhetoric but beyond that in their day-to-day interactions with members of the media and especially with members of the opposite party that abandoned the great American notion that we were all in this together. In effect, that the process for moving the country forward, toward “a more perfect union” should be abandoned for an “us versus them” brand of politics.

Hearkening back even further Benjamin Franklin’s admonition, back in those turbulent days of the late 1770s and the 1780s, that we must “all hang together” for the good of the republic - the very notion that brought together a group of Founders with exceedingly different views of the future around the bold experiment that we now refer to as America, has been abandoned by the elected representatives of one party for a Neo-French revolution intended to eliminate the opposition rather than to collaborate with them to find common ground.

American politics has always been a messy business, but with some notable exceptions that messy business has been conducted around what Jefferson called “the marketplace of ideas”; what Lincoln referred to as the “battle of ballots not bullets”.

Sharp differences have always characterized that process, made possible by the most sacrosanct amendment to our constitution, the First.

Even in the best of times there has been a small minority of people who embrace the extremes and excesses of the poles of the political spectrum, while the majority of the people see, or come to see, the benefits of hard-earned and, for many, all-too-gradual movement toward that more perfect union.

Most of us can sense that a new world is emerging - pregnant with possibility and fraught with peril.

We can, with little hesitation, name those perils: climate change, ending the pandemic and restoring the American and world economies; ending a 50 year slide into an income disparity that has shrunken the middle class, existentially imperils the working class and poor and threatens to permanently unravel the American vision of opportunity for all;
Chocorua Pond Impressions

The international perils, beginning with China and Russia and spiraling down to a host of countries that are moving ever deeper into the morass of totalitarian governance, are unlikely to follow our lead into the future if there is no sense that the United States has its own act together enough to set the standard.

This will not happen as long as the question remains whether the US is committed to Republican Democracy, the rule of law, and the fundamental imperative that all government’s power is derived from the people. As James Madison wrote so eloquently in this - at the time - radical statement:

"All power is originally vested in, and consequently derived from, the people. That government is instituted and ought to be exercised for the benefit of the people; which consists in the enjoyment of life and liberty and the right of acquiring property, and generally of pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety. That the people have an indubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to reform or change their government whenever it be found adverse or inadequate to the purpose of its institution." - James Madison

Maple Ablaze at Sunset - Stinson Mountain

The rise of Trumpism - and particularly the allegiance to this aberration among elected Republican representatives, even after the events of January 6, 2021 - presents the greatest domestic threat to the continuation of our Republic ever - and consequently to world order. Even the Civil War presented less of a threat because, albeit simplistically, an adverse outcome would have simply divided the country in two, leaving the Union’s allegiance to Democratic Republicanism intact.

The threat of Trumpism is an existential threat to Democracy that could ultimately destroy the Republic if not checked. Yet, it has become abundantly clear that it will not be checked by the majority of Republicans currently holding elected office. It has also become clear that we are locked in a battle for our Democracy that will not be quick or easy if we are to succeed.

Ironically, one election cycle could bring about the success of the autocrats, resurrecting their anti-democratic agenda and perhaps ending the grand American experiment permanently - or for many generations. History and experience demonstrate that - as painful as it may be to fight to maintain freedom and democracy - it is much harder to resurrect it once the autocrats have gained the upper hand. The cost in lives and treasure from the Second World War alone provide ample evidence of that.

It’s up to us now.

Milkweed Whisper

If polling shows us anything today it is that the vast majority of Americans support many of the initiatives proposed by the Biden administration - even those who are Republicans and Independents. Beyond that, and more importantly, they oppose a return to the chaos and authoritarianism represented by Trumpism.

Mitch McConnell may have declared that the “era of bi-partisanship is over”, but not among the people of our country. In fact, bi-partisanship is flourishing among the sovereign - “we the people”. The rise of non-partisan and bi-partisan organizations during the past three years is a dramatic testament to that: The Lincoln Project, Braver Angels, No Labels, 350.org, just to name a few, are demonstrating that the American people are exercising their sovereignty and constantly seeking ways to move beyond the chaos of the last few years.

In the wake of this wave of change, a new definition of the term bi-partisan has begun to emerge. One that will either drag the Republican Party leadership - kicking and screaming - into the future or signal the beginning of the end of the Grand Old Party. Driven by organizations like these, as well as more informal and heterodox groups of citizens. The intent of these organizations is to reinvigorate the sovereignty of “we the people”.

Much of that activity has grown from the connectedness created by technology. For all of ills we bemoan in our deeply connected world the opportunity to re-establish “we the people” as the ultimate arbiter of the aims of governance has broadly redefined Jefferson’s marketplace of ideas. When, ultimately, connected to Democratic ideals, ideas and initiatives like statewide initiative and referendum petitions, ranked-choice voting and reforms focused on the elimination of partisan gerrymandering and expanded voting rights, those who are intent on denying the rights of citizens to exercise their control over the aims of government can be overcome.
Hellebore Passion

A two-party system is not enshrined in the constitution. In fact, neither the Democratic Party or the Republican Party can claim any franchise within our constitutional system, except that which history has - in its vagaries - created.

A multiparty system may be the outcome of this re-emergence of the sovereignty of the people or the Republican party (or even the Democrats) may go the way of the Whigs. There would be no great loss from these possible outcomes because a better and stronger, more democratic system would most likely emerge.

The simple, yet challenging, task before us is to reclaim our Republic one citizen at a time. Listening to one another, respecting our differences yet seeking common ground wherever possible; and using our vote to ensure that those who represent us still believe in the dream our founders - in all their glory and failings - designed and countless Americans since them have struggled to make “more perfect”.

We the people must push the boulder of hope we call America back to the top of the hill again.

"Our Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world. As you grow older, you will have the right under the Constitution to vote, to serve on juries, to run for political office and to participate in government in other ways. So get ready: Study the Constitution. Remember, the Framers designed the Constitution for you -- but you have to make it work."

~ Chief Justice John Roberts

About Wayne D. King: Wayne King is an author, artist, activist and recovering politician. A three-term State Senator, and 1994 Democratic nominee for Governor; he is the former publisher of Heart of New Hampshire Magazine and CEO of MOP Environmental Solutions Inc., and now a columnist for the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism (inDepthNH.org) where he writes “The View from Rattlesnake Ridge” and hosts two Podcasts: The Radical Centrist (www.theradicalcentrist.us) and NH Secrets, Legends & Lore (www.nhsecrets.blogspot.com). His art (www.waynedking.com) is exhibited nationally in galleries and he has published four books of his images and a novel "Sacred Trust" a vicarious, high voltage adventure to stop a private powerline - all available on Amazon.com. His art website is: www.waynedking.com , and his writing site: http://bit.ly/WayneDKing . He now lives in Thornton, New Hampshire at the base of Welch Mountain where he proudly flies both the American and Iroquois Flags.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

In Celebration of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests Pioneers of Crowd Funding & Conservation

In Celebration of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests
Pioneers of Crowd Funding & Conservation

Deep in a Dorchester Woods

Links from this Podcast:
Podcast with Jack Savage
Free Joseph Website: http://www.freejoseph.net
Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests: https://forestsociety.org/

The Society for the Protection of NH Forests has pioneered conservation innovations since their founding in 1901.

Including A Podcast Conversation with Jack Savage, President SPNHF

I stood today on the summit of Welch Mountain and looked into the Sandwich Range accessed largely along the “Road Through Sandwich Notch” of which Elizabeth Yates wrote more than a century ago although she is best known for her book Amos Fortune- Free Man.

At one time the town of Sandwich, to which the Notch Road is now the backcountry gateway, was a provincial capital of New Hampshire. All along this road are the stone walls, cellar holes, and other signs of a day when the population of Sandwich was considerably larger.

The Notch Road into Sandwich is a beautiful backroad trip today, passing by Beede Falls, Cow Cave and Pulpit Rock where in the 1800s townsfolk would gather at the base of this huge Glacial Bounder and listen to the local preacher as he stood atop the rock delivering his sermon.

Sandwich Notch might have been developed over the years except for the good works of a number of local folks and the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests.

Yet Sandwich Notch is only one of the Notches that the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests has saved through the good works and generosity of thousands of members and friends. You may already know oftheir good works. but did you know that they led the way to making crowdfunding a “thing”?

Now it can be argued that "crowdfunding" is nothing new.

My Iroquois ancestors gathered together to help one another build their longhouses even before the Peacemaker and Hiawatha brought the Great Law to them more than 500 years ago. Early European settlers joined with one another to build barns or homes. However, there is no question that among the earliest efforts by nonprofit groups was the effort in the 1920s to save Franconia Notch through - among other things - the sale of "deeds" to a square foot of the Notch or the "purchase" of a tree, allowing thousands of people from across the nation to get involved with conservation efforts.

In just 120 years the Society has been at the forefront of change that has rippled out from the social and political boundaries of New Hampshire to the nation. Their founding effort to help pass the Weeks act not only resulted in the White Mountain National Forest but spread the National Forest fever across the continent.

There are very few organizations with which I share such a common kinship. So many of their efforts, focused on the lands and the people I am closest to, have become touchstones in my own life. The rallying point of their formation - the fight to save the forests of the White Mountains, and to protect the water resources, eventually led to adoption of the Weeks Act and the establishment of the National Forest in Congress. Their opposition to building a 4 lane super-highway through Franconia Notch resulted in the only scenic parkway of the Interstate highway system. The protection of Crawford Notch, Sandwich Notch, Lost River and the prevention of a ridgeline drive across the Presidential Range too were achieved with their leadership.

These epic battles were among the tales I would tell as I guided trail clearing, hiking and backpacking trips in the Whites in my early adult life. Even earlier they were the topics of dinner conversations around the family table at my home as a young boy.

Listening to my grandmother describe how she felt when she donated a hard-earned $10.00 to buy one square foot of tallis slope on the side of Cannon Mountain to protect Franconia Notch made me feel that I was part of a grand tradition here. I watched with admiration as my Mom and Dad helped lead the efforts to clean up the Pemigewasset River with other remarkable people like Pat & Tom Schlesinger of New Hampton, Syd and Olivia Howe, Dr. Larry Spencer at Plymouth State.

Later in my own home, around that same family table, my Senate office team would strategize ways to carry on that tradition: rebuilding the historic Smith Covered Bridge after it was burned by an arsonist, sponsoring the NH River's Protection Act, the Land Conservation and Investment Program, and conserving Livermore Falls.

The Forest Society served as inspiration for all of this, over the years developing a conservation ethic part John Muir - the preservationist - and part Gifford Pinchot - the architect of "wise use".

To some, it appeared that they were taking the safer, more moderate route to their destination. No one ever accused the Forest Society of being wild-eyed environmentalists; but to the great grandson of an Iroquois man and an Abenaki woman it seemed (and still seems) right . . . a part of the Circle; where people are neither beneath or above but an integral part of the whole.

When you venture out this summer - especially if you do so here in New Hampshire - say a quiet thanks to the generations of people who have helped to build the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. Because of them the White Mountain National Forest, Franconia Notch, Crawford Notch, Sandwich Notch and other sacred places of these white hills will forever be wild and free.

About Wayne D. King: Wayne King is an author, artist, activist and recovering politician. A three-term State Senator, 1994 Democratic nominee for Governor; he is the former publisher of Heart of New Hampshire Magazine and CEO of MOP Environmental Solutions Inc., and now a columnist for the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism (inDepthNH.org) where he writes “The View from Rattlesnake Ridge” and hosts two Podcasts: The Radical Centrist (www.theradicalcentrist.us) and NH Secrets, Legends and Lore (www.nhsecrets.blogspot.com). His art (www.waynedking.com) is exhibited nationally in galleries and he has published three books of his images and a novel "Sacred Trust" a vicarious, high voltage adventure to stop a private powerline - all available on Amazon.com. His art website is: www.waynedking.com , and his writing site: http://bit.ly/WayneDKing . He now lives in Thornton, New Hampshire at the base of Welch Mountain where he proudly flies both the American and Iroquois Flags.

Milkweed Whisper

Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests


Jack Savage is President of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. He was appointed as the Forest Society’s fifth President in September 2019. Previously the Vice President of Communications/Outreach at the Forest Society for 14 years, he has been a key contributor to many of the Forest Society’s successes over the last decade. He has guided the organization’s evolving use of digital media to accomplish its land protection and advocacy goals, and overseen the expansion of its education and volunteer programs.

Savage’s family has roots in the forest products industry — they owned the Charleston Lumber Company in Charleston, W.V. in the 20th century. He and his wife, Cheryl, now make their home in a historic farmhouse in Middleton, NH, where they have lived with their dogs and horses since 1993.

As a writer and publisher, Savage has had broad experience in newspapers, magazines, and book publishing. He is a former editor of NH Profiles magazine, publisher of NH Seacoast Sunday newspaper, and operator of his own company, Carriage House Publishing. Savage is also a founding board member and past president of the New Hampshire Writers Project.

A certified Tree Farmer, Savage is active in his community, serving for the last 12 years as town moderator and formerly as selectman, chair of the Planning Board, and chair of the ZBA. As a volunteer and member of the regional conservation group Moose Mountains Regional Greenways, Savage helped facilitate the Forest Society’s conservation of more than 2,000 acres in the Moose Mountains range.


Franconia Notch Documentary
Franconia Notch Documentary

Geology of Franconia Notch
Geology of Franconia Notch

Forest Society History

Protecting New Hampshire's landscapes since 1901

Forestry pioneers gathered on Mount Carrigain in 1919 to study five-year old slash. From left: Henry S. Graves, chief of the U.S. Forest Service and Society leader; J.J. Fritz, forest supervisor; Franklin Reed, district forester; Philip Ayres, Society forester; Allen Chamberlain, journalist and later to become president of the Appalachian Mountain Club; and C.B. Schiffer, district ranger. (Photo: USFS archives)


Eight concerned citizens form the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests. Their mission: to protect the White Mountains, which are rapidly being clear-cut.


Mission Statement adopted: "The Society is a forestry association seeking to perpetuate the forests of New Hampshire through their wise use and their complete reservation in places of special scenic beauty."


The Forest Society urges the state of New Hampshire to buy Crawford Notch. It does three years later.


As a result of Forest Society urging, the state of New Hampshire appoints a state forester, and passes its first forest fire prevention laws.


The Weeks Act is passed by Congress, after intense lobbying by the Forest Society and other conservation groups, leading to the establishment of the White Mountain National Forest.

The Forest Society buys 656 acres on Mount Sunapee to save it from being clear-cut.


The Forest Society buys 148 acres around Lost River Gorge.


The Forest Society acquires title to 600 acres on Mount Monadnock, beginning a process that ends up protecting more than 4,000 acres on the landmark mountain.


The Forest Society begins work to acquire 1,500 acres on Mount Kearsarge.


The Forest Society releases two breeding pairs of Minnesota beavers at Lost River. Prior to this, beaver had been extinct in New Hampshire for 30 years.


The Forest Society leads a campaign to purchase 6,000 acres in Franconia Notch, including the Old Man of the Mountain, the Flume, the Basin, and two mountain lakes.

The Flume at Franconia Notch


The Forest Society helps the state to buy Franconia Notch. The Forest Society retains ownership of 913 acres, including the Flume, and runs the park for 20 years until 1947.


The Forest Society opens its first annual Nature Camp at Lost River. 90 years later, the Forest Society is still teaching people about the wonders of forests.


The Forest Society helps defeat a proposal to build a "skyline drive" across the Presidential Range.


The Forest Society begins publication of its magazine, Forest Notes, which is still published today.


The Forest Society helps protect land surrounding Echo Lake and White Horse Ledge in North Conway.


The state passes a constitutional amendment to end the annual taxation of growing timber — a victory the Forest Society had fought for since 1901.


The Forest Society helps form the New England Forestry Foundation to promote better forest practices.


The Forest Society transfers its 1,116 acres on Mount Sunapee to the state of New Hampshire.


The Forest Society brings the Tree Farm program to the state, which encourages landowners to manage their woodlands for the long term.


The Forest Society gives its final 520 acres on Mount Kearsarge to the state for the Frank Rollins Memorial Park, honoring the Forest Society's first president.


The Forest Society opposes a super highway through Franconia Notch.


Mr. & Mrs. Clarence L. Hay give the Forest Society 675 acres of woodland on Lake Sunapee.

Hay Reservation


The Forest Society stops a plan to floodlight the Old Man of the Mountains.

Working with the Audubon Society of New Hampshire, and the state Fish & Game department, the Forest Society purchases land in the Hampton Salt Marshes to thwart a major development project.


The Forest Society leads the way on legislation that creates town conservation commissions.


Thirty-eight towns now have conservation commissions (by 2014 there will be 216 commissions).


Plans for a nuclear power plant at Seabrook spur the Forest Society to lobby for extensive review of all major power installations.


The federal government withdraws its plans for a tunnel and four-lane highway through Franconia Notch.

The Forest Society forms an interstate coalition to fight a proposed east-west superhighway across Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

The Forest Society opens an EcoCenter at Mount Monadnock to teach the 75,000 annual visitors about the mountain's ecology.


The Forest Society negotiates its first conservation easement, which allows landowners to keep their land while preventing future development.


The Forest Society begins a campaign to protect Sandwich Notch — the last unprotected notch in the state.


After years of debate, the legislature enacts Current Use taxation, allowing millions of acres of land to remain as open space. A plan for a smaller parkway through Franconia Notch wins Forest Society support.


The Forest Society purchases 726 acres on Gap Mountain. The next year, Mrs. Francis Fiske donates the south peak to the organization.

The Forest Society owns 7,189 acres in the state.

Gap Mountain


The Forest Society celebrates the re-opening of the Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway, first laid out by Forest Society President Phil Ayres in 1925.


Groundbreaking for the Forest Society's new headquarters begins. The award-winning Conservation Center gets over 80% of its heat from the sun and is an appropriate symbol of the organization's commitment to renewable resource use.


The Forest Society works to get a bottle bill passed in the state, but it fails by one vote.


The Forest Society helps raise awareness about the impacts of acid rain on New England's forests, laying the groundwork for important amendments to the Clean Air Act.


The Wilderness Act passes the US Congress, designating 77,000 acres in the White Mountain National Forest as wilderness. Forest Society President Paul Bofinger chaired the committee that reached consensus on the bill.

The Forest Society owns 16,184 acres in the state.


The Forest Society starts the Trust for New Hampshire Lands/Land Conservation Investment Program, a public-private six-year partnership that would protect more than 100,000 new acres in the state.


A 10-year management plan is approved for the White Mountain National Forest. The Forest Society played a lead role in helping finalize the plan.


The Forest Society, the state, The Nature Conservancy, and the U.S. Forest Service help save 40,000-acre Nash Stream forest in northern New Hampshire.


The Forest Society serves on the Northern Forest Lands Council to find ways to sustain the four-state, 26-million acre forest and its people.


The Forest Society creates the New Hampshire Conservation Institute to enhance and streamline its education and research efforts.

The Forest Society produces its award-winning Guide to Logging Aesthetics and a companion video to promote low-impact forestry without high impact costs.


Forest Society reservations add up to 24,584 acres.


The Forest Society creates its Living Landscape Agenda, a two-pronged plan to save special places and take care of land into the next century.


The Forest Society acquires its 100th reservation - the High Watch Preserve in Effingham and Freedom.

High Watch Preserve. Photo Credit Jeff Sluder


The Forest Society becomes the first private landowner in New Hampshire to have its land green-certified by SmartWood.


The Forest Society celebrates its 100th anniversary — a century of outstanding accomplishments in the conservation and reservation of New Hampshire's forests.


The Forest Society and the Museum of New Hampshire History launch a joint-project entitled Claiming the Land: Our Past, Our Future, Our Choice.

The New Hampshire House and Senate pass legislation regarding all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). The bill sets a policy for new ATV trails on state land and increases registration fees with revenue directed to enforcement, education, and trail acquisition. The Forest Society lent strong support to this bill.

The Forest Society, New Hampshire Public Television, and Cross Current Productions collaborate to produce Livable Landscapes: Chance or Choice , a one-hour documentary about citizens combating sprawl in their communities.


The French Wing addition to the Forest Society's Conservation Center earns national recognition for innovation in "green building" design and construction. The U.S. Green Building Council awards its gold certification to the organization under the rigorous standards of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program.

The Forest Society, federal and state officials, and other partner conservation organizations celebrate the permanent protection of 171,000 acres in northern New Hampshire.

The Connecticut Headwaters Project is the largest contiguous block of New Hampshire land in private ownership, comprising roughly three percent of the state.


The Forest Society protects 3892 acres in fiscal year 2007, including 845 acres (10 projects) in forest reservations (land we own, 2,995 acres (27 projects) on which we hold conservation easements, and 52 acres (two projects) that we protected and will be transferred to a third party.

The Forest Society is also pleased to announce permanent LCHIP funding. The New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) is an independent state authority that makes grants to New Hampshire communities and non-profits to conserve and preserve New Hampshire’s most important natural, cultural and historic resources. Through this grant program every dollar invested brings in significant local, private, federal funds, and helps New Hampshire businesses and traditional business districts.


The Forest Society is accredited by the Land Trust Alliance Accreditation Commission. The Commission, established in 2006 as an independent program of the Land Trust Alliance in Washington, DC, conducts an extensive review of each applicant’s policies and programs to determine if the applicant meets the national standards for excellence, upholds the public trust and ensures that conservation efforts are permanent.


On February 13, 2019, a fire at The Rocks destroyed two historic buildings that we used for office space, programming, a gift shop and farm operations. In the wake of this devastating loss, the Forest Society had an opportunity to rethink the vision for this iconic North Country destination and launched a restoration project in 2020.

After nine years of hearings, meetings, and strategy sessions, the NH Supreme Court dealt a death blow to the Northern Pass project by ruling that the Site Evaluation Committee had indeed followed appropriate legal protocol in denying Northern Pass a certificate of site and facility. It was big win for New Hampshire’s landscapes, forests, and communities. Once again New Hampshire citizens stood their ground for the things they hold dear: open spaces unmarred by commercial development, downtowns with scenic charm, communities with a sense of who they are and what they want to be, farms that provide livelihoods for families, and the overwhelming sense that New Hampshire citizens, not some company from away, have the right—even an obligation—to determine their future.


The Forest Society protected the Ammonoosuc River Forest in Bethlehem as its 191st forest reservation.

Peaholes on the Pemigewasset River

Glow on the Roaring Fork River

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